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Ab va Khak Shahrab Gostar 3141

Ab va Khak Shahrab Gostar
Like: 5
  • Page link
  • Company name: Ab va Khak Shahrab Gostar
  • Manager: Mohamad Hosein Kharazi Fard
  • Production: Production of special drainage pipes with or without artificial fibers - mesh and non-mesh hose pipes - production of PVC double-walled carrogate pipe - production of all related fittings
  • Office Address: Unit 3, No. 13, East Hoizeh, North Sohrvardi, Tehran
  • Phone:009802188513406
  • Fax: 009802188737439
  • Website: Www.abvakhak-co.com
  • Instagram: Abvakhakshahrab
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