Marun Petrochemical

Nominal capacity 4506
Presenter Justice Shares Broker (30%), Taban-e Farda Petrochemical Group (20%), Tamin Oil& Gas & Petrochemical (16.6%), Social Security Organization of Armed Forces (13%), Enabling Pensioners Institute of Armed Forces (10.5%), Pension Fund of Armed Forces (7%), Others (2.9%)
Operation place Ahwaz & Petrochemical Special Economic Zone
Area 102.5 hectares (93 hectares in Petrochemical Special Economic Zone located in Site 2 and 9.5 hectares in Ahwaz located in Kritcamp area, 15km from Ahwaz)
Start Time 1998
Bachelor ISO 9001 | ISO 14001 | OHSAS 18001 | ISO 50001 | EFQM

 Production chart

Original products:

Product Name Nominal capacity Feed S‌tock Licensor S‌tart date
C2+ 1912 Rich gas Linde (Germany) 2005
Ethylene 1100 C2+ Linde (Germany) 2006
Propylene 200 C2+ Linde (Germany) 2006
C3+ 168 C2+ Linde (Germany) 2006
Pyrolysis gasoline 83 C2+ Linde (Germany) 2006
Ethylene glycols 443 Ethylene & oxygen Shell (Netherlands) 2006
HDPE 300 Ethylene Basell (Germany) 2005
Polypropylene 300 Propylene Basell (Germany) 2006


Name Amount Place of supply
Butene-1 2 Jam Petrochemical Co., import
Oxygen 274 Fajr Petrochemical Co.
Propylene 100 Local sources, import
Rich gas 1900* Khuzes‌tan oil & gas grids
Grade title Datasheet
EX5 Marun
PE HDPE Blow Molding Grade
Bl3 Marun
Bl3 Marun Off2
Polypropylene Copolymer
C30G Marun
EP 540N Maron -
EP 548R Maron -
EP1 X30F Marun
EP1 X35 AF Marun
MR 240C Marun -
MR230 Marun
R40 Marun
RP240G Marun -
RP340R Marun -
T 30G Marun
T 31SE Marun -
X30G Marun
Polypropylene Homopolymer
HP 565S-AG Marun -
552R Maroun -
565S Marun -
C30S Marun
F 30G Marun -
F30S Marun
HP 456J Marun
HP 500J Maroun
HP 501D- Maron
HP 550J Marun -
HP 562S Marun -
V 30S Marun -
V 79G Marun -
V 79S Marun
V30G Marun
X30S Marun
Z30G Marun
Z30S Marun
PE Pipe Grade
CRP100N Maroun
EX3 Marun -
مارون CRP 100B -
PE HDPE Injection
I4 Marun
I4UV Marun -
Polypropylene Film
HP 525J maron -
RP 210M Marun -
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