Arvand Petrochemical


Nominal capacity 2834.2
Operation place Petrochemical Special Economic Zone
Area 108 hectares
Start Time 2000
Bachelor ISO 50001 | ISO 14001 | OHSAS 18001 | ISO 9001 | EFQM | ISO 29001

 Production chartOriginal products:

S‌tart date Licensor Feed S‌tock Nominal capacity Product Name
2011 VENOLIT (GERMANY) VCM 300 PVC (Suspension)
2011 VENOLIT (GERMANY) VCM 40 PVC (Emulsion)
2010 VENOLIT (GERMANY) Chlorine, ethylene 890 EDC
2010 Udeh DM Water,Salt 585 Chlorine
2010 Udeh DM Water,Salt 660 Caus‌tic Soda
2010 Udeh Chlorine, Caustic Soda 16.2 Sodium Hypochlorite


Place of supply Amount Name
Wes‌t Ethylene Pipeline 252 Ethylene
Local Sources 1300 Salt
Karoon Petrochemical Co. 50 Chloridric acid
Fajr Petrochemical Co. 1400 DM water


Grade title Datasheet
E 7044 Arvand -
E 7242 Arvand -
E 7244 Arvand -
PVC S65 Arvand
PVC S7042 Arvand
S5831 Arvand -
S6031 Arvand -
E 6644-Arvand
E60 Arvand -
E6834 Arvand
E7244M Arvand -
E7544M Arvand -
EPVC 7244 H Arvand -
EPVC 7244 L Arvand -
EPVC 7544 H Arvand -
EPVC 7544 L Arvand -
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